A letter to my daughter.

Dear Caroline, 

Leaving you is such a conflict. I’m going back to work after what feels like sharing the same pulse with you these last 16 weeks. The time we’ve spent together has both been a haze and some of the most rewarding of my life. It’s felt impossible at times, but your little smile and sweet face have helped me to hang in there. Loving you has been easy, and as we transition into this next phase of life together I hope you know you’ll always be my main priority. I’m writing this letter to explain why going back to work is something I’m excited about. Of course, it doesn’t mean I love you any less.

To start, I like working. I think it’s important. Working requires sacrifices to be made which lead to further appreciation of time, possessions, and experiences. It encourages self-discovery and provides a sense of purpose.

Working helps you figure out what you like. You’re able to learn what things excite and challenge you. Working is an evolving puzzle of piecing skills together. It’s trying and failing, and then trying again. Finding something you like will take patience (probably a lot) and trying many things to find something worthwhile.

Working means you’re putting yourself out there and engaging in new experiences. Exposing yourself to new things opens you up to alternative perspectives and allows you to be more open-minded and empathetic with others. 

Of course It helps that I have a job I like! A job that challenges me and surrounds me with people to teach me new things while understanding the importance of balance. Surrounding yourself with people you respect is critical. 

Remember you’re never too old to start something new or return to something familiar if the new thing doesn’t work. Believe me, I’ve had a lot of jobs, and it’s been a process to get where I am now. 

As you grow, I hope the joy in my work is inspiring to you. I hope it encourages you to find something fulfilling in your day-to-day. It’s a sacrifice, it’s hard, it’s tiring but it allows us to do things. Doing things is something your Dad and I are most passionate about. Working allows us to provide you with experiences as you grow. You may want a lot of things growing up, but it’s our goal to show you that things are temporary while memories never expire. We can’t wait for the adventures ahead!

Oh, there’s so much more I hope you’ll learn from watching us work. As I pack my bag for the office tomorrow, I’ll be thinking about how special this time we had together has been. 

You are the joy of my life. And no matter if I’m at an office or at home, my most important job is to be your mother. Caroline, it’s the best job I’ve ever had. 

Love you always, 
Your Mom



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