Small Teams

I've always valued culture in the workplace, and it's clearly been a key factor in my longevity and happiness at a job.

If the culture is inclusive, challenging, and progressive - I'm all in. If the culture is toxic, suffocating, or unsatisfying- I'm out. 

Safe to say I’ve found myself in an, ‘I’m all in’ company culture. Last Friday, my co-workers and I spent a day at a self-led Vision Summit to talk through how to improve our team, streamline systems, and create unified values to work from. It was powerful and encouraging. We're a small team but we took the time to understand each other and gain momentum in our office and daily work. 

Although our company is small, the work we do important.

There's an article I favorited over a year ago by marketing legend, Seth Godin, titled, 'A manifesto for small teams doing important work.' I think all of us are in some ways part of a small team and can find value in his message.

A few takeaways I thought could be applied to many situations in both work and life:

  • If what you’re working on right now doesn’t matter to the mission, help someone else with their work.

  • Make mistakes, own them, fix them, share the learning.

  • We do things that haven’t been done before, so don’t be surprised when you’re surprised.

  • Care more.

Are you a part of a small (or large) team and can relate? I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Safe to say there are no Sunday Scaries here. 

Until Next Time,


Moon Yoga


A Walk to Tijuana